We are currently seeking Plumbers to join the Bassett team! You will be working on residential projects in the Columbus, OH area.
Pay & Benefits
- Salary: $80,000.00 – $100,000.00 per year
- Medical/Dental/Vision
- 401(k) plus 401(k) matching
- Paid time off
Responsibilities of Plumber:
- Good communication and listening skills
- Installing, maintaining, and repairing plumbing systems and fixtures which will include toilet replacements, faucet replacements, water heater replacements, soldering, and common plumbing repairs
- Inspecting and testing plumbing systems for safety, functionality, water quality, and code compliance in residential
- Handling customer queries, troubleshooting/resolving problems, responding to call-outs, and preparing cost estimates
- Driver’s License (Required)
- Residential Plumbing experience
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